Reigniting a Lost Love Affair. Is there a Future for Us?

We haven’t always seen eye to eye, but I’m giving it another go



Porridge with blueberries and brown sugar (own picture)

I’s No, I’m not talking about my marriage.

That’s done and dead. I’m talking about a food relationship with porridge. Who knew those little oats could cause so much pain and soul searching.

Ok, maybe that is a little bit of an exaggeration.

You see, I have IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), which means there are several foods I cannot eat. There are several other foods that, while I can eat them, I need to be careful and limit my intake.

Most of these are obvious, processed foods, sugar, and high-fat food.

Some of the foods on my watch and remove list are not so obvious. Cucumber (and all its relatives) and bananas are prime examples, although I used to manage cooked bananas: oranges and orange juice others. I have to be careful with most fruit juices, which is very annoying.

Dairy is my biggest nemesis, and I have written about our ongoing issues before.

So, what about oats?

We’ll get to them in a minute. Firstly let’s talk about IBS




Writer & poet. Working on my first novel. Loves metal/rock. Follower of the old gods/pagan/heathen. She/her.