Silhouette of a Middle-Aged Woman

Soaking in my hot tub, alone in my thoughts.

LaShell Tinder
2 min readMar 22, 2024


Photo by Yoann Boyer on Unsplash

The chimes jingle and sway softly
My flitting thoughts mimic the legato melody
Past, present, and future colliding and melding
Wondering if tonight’s iciness
Will thaw in time for our morning coffee

The March cool breeze and cloudy sky
Branches stark and leafless
Soon warmer air will make the hot water less inviting
Feet rest angled on the stairs
Legs and arms crossed covering my nakedness

Head rests against the hot tub’s edge
Wondering if a life drawing artist could capture the moment
The soft glow of the half moon sky
Silhouette of soft curves distorted by the water
Longing for the days when I was fetching and flirtatious

The clouds part showing a broad ring around the moon
Expansive as my thoughts until a connection is made
Suddenly, the ring moves in closer as do my musings
The vastness of my dreams are too much
And seemingly contain the ring around the moon

Adieu night sky that invited pleasant thoughts
The soft wind carrying my wanderlust to foreign lands
Luxurious waters caressing my skin
Oblivious of the cellulite and wrinkles
Melodious chimes to synchronize my musing

As I exit the hot tub to prepare for bed
I contemplate a deep sleep followed by REM
Will there be chaste kisses of my youth
Or journeys full of adventure
Perhaps unopened doors like newborn stars we cannot see



LaShell Tinder

Exploring avocation as a writer after spending nearly 30 years as career expatriate and professional in global mobility. Insta @patacaliente1963/