SoulCollage® for the Crafty Woman Writer’s Soul

However you define crafty works for me

Marilyn Flower


Quilters of Gee’s Bend, Alabama. Photo by Carol M. Highsmith via Library of Congress, Wiki Commons

What do I mean by crafty, anyway?

When the idea for this post first popped up, I envisioned all you Middle-Pausers who make art or indulge in crafts. I know we have painters, crochets, and knitters in our midst, as well as fabric artists like Barbara Carter, and collagers like me. And don’t forget wordcraft, which reminds me, we writers are crafty, too.

In addition, there’s craft brewing and all kinds of creative explorations happening in our kitchens. Susie Antonia is an artist when it comes to Phillipino cooking and makes a mean adobo. And Linda Lum shares her culinary craftiness with us from time to time.

Just now the word witchcraft popped into my hopefully still fertile imagination. Popular culture has seized this powerful archetype to populate stories with cackling crones who eat children, or boss around flying monkeys.

But when we dig a bit deeper, we find a legacy of natural healers and helpers. Women who knew their medicinal herbs, and how to assist at a difficult birth. When things went wrong, she was the one to call. But seeing how knowledge is power, some men felt threatened. Interestingly, the ones who happened to be in power.



Marilyn Flower

Writer, sacred fool, improviser, avid reader, novel forthcoming, soul collage facilitator, prayer warrior and did I say writer?