Stephanie Berchiolly on Writing Paranormal Stories Full of Fun and Snark

Highlights from Middle-Pause’s newest podcast, STOMP!

Marilyn Flower


Head shot of Stephanie: short curly hair, glasses and a huge warm smile!
Photo by Stephanie Berchiolly

Allow me to introduce the star of our latest podcast, Stephanie Berchiolly.

Stephanie’s a USA Today, bestselling author. She’s also a screenwriter and filmmaker, currently living in the Washington DC area. She’s a black woman who has dwarfism.

Her purpose in life is to write engaging vivid stories, full of fun and snark; often showcasing black, indigenous, people of color, and/or disabled characters.

My first question to Stephanie during our interview for STOMP! was how her recent creative whirlwind get started.

Turns out the Clubhouse app had a lot to do with it.

For those not in the know, Clubhouse is an audio form of social media. You log in and chat with people on your favorite topics. A friend got her an invite, and it transformed her life.

In a screenwriting ‘room’ she met Mandy M. Roth, a Paranormal Women’s Fiction (PWF) writer.

What is Paranormal Women’s Fiction?

Stephanie explains it for us:

[It’s a fiction genre wherein] the protagonists are women who are 40 plus and they



Marilyn Flower

Writer, sacred fool, improviser, avid reader, novel forthcoming, soul collage facilitator, prayer warrior and did I say writer?