Surviving Abuse: Healing the Need to Run

What I learned about my desire to flee

Tiffany Norman


A girl sits on the river bank far from anywhere
Photo by Nick Scheerbart on Unsplash

I’ve run a handful of times in my life.

I’m not talking about New Balance and FitBit. I’m referring to fleeing my current life situation. If you have had a similar experience, I hope, like me, you’ve come out the other side.

Long before the word anxiety was everywhere, I believe I had anxiety. Coupled with fear, it was a dynamic duo that had me pondering what it would be like to go mad at the wee age of 10. Not coincidentally, this was when the abuse started.

I didn’t know if I wanted to check into one of those “rubber rooms” my Mom was always griping that us kids would send her to. Or if I wanted to quietly tiptoe away.

I should have been focused on beating a new level of Super Mario Bros and perfecting my cartwheels, not mulling over something so…adult. But the two options continued to be weighed. And then I chose.

During the summer between fourth and fifth grade, I ran. Well, I didn’t run — but I did leave.

This was something my friend Jennifer and I’d spent a great deal of time pondering in a corner of the playground the preceding spring. When the days grew longer, and parental oversight became slim, we found the fortitude to dart. I don’t remember why…



Tiffany Norman

I am an empath and a comic. These come out in the unique stories of my life. You'll laugh, cry, or gain a nugget of wisdom.