The 1 Belief That Is Saving My Sanity: It Might Help You Too

Simple thinking, but so, so powerful

Jo Lovatt - (KryptaKitty)


Seated woman with butterflies and a window
Change can be beautiful- Author’s artwork

Within life, we often find ourselves trapped in seemingly endless cycles of rumination. These daily battles with our mind may lead to us feeling depressed and hopeless. Amid that hopelessness, it’s easy to feel that there is no way out – we are trapped!

However, amid the darkness, I have discovered that there exists a simple method to snap you out of that gloom:

At the heart of this belief lies the recognition that nothing in life is static. Change is our only constant companion. Embracing this truth empowers us to confront adversity in our lives with courage and determination. It’s the soothing whisper that assures us that our current circumstances are not our final destination.

When life’s challenges seem insurmountable, the conviction that things will change becomes our fuel for perseverance. It injects hope into our hearts and gives us the strength to endure. Each day becomes a step closer to a brighter future.

Believe in Change

Possessing the belief that things will change one day can be a great comfort. This simple yet profound outlook can be a source of immense…



Jo Lovatt - (KryptaKitty)

Hi, This is me: Jo - romantic poet /digital creator/educator - poetry, love and Art are my passion. is my shop.