The Blessing and Curse of Being Invisible at My Age

Sometimes it’s one, sometimes the other.

Marilyn Flower


As the years pile on, I seem to be more invisible to others when out in public. Am I the only one, or has this happened to you? Sometimes, it’s great, sometimes, it’s a problem. And I’m here to explore these nuances. But let me start with a film clip.

Since I was unable to find it online, I’ll talk you through it. The movie is Garbo Talks, directed by Sidney Lumet in 1984. Anne Bancroft won a Golden Globe in it for her leading role as Estelle Rolfe. She plays an aging Jewish activist dying of brain cancer, whose last wish is to meet the elusive actress, Greta Garbo.

While the movie got panned, I loved it. I have a favorite scene that has little to do with the main plotline, but everything to do with my point. Early on in the story, we see Anne walking down a busy street in New York City.

She’s walking right behind a young, tall, very shapely woman wearing a short, tight skirt. On a nearby roof, a construction crew notice this woman and start whistling and catcalling. One wishful thinker invites her to come up and sit on his face.

The young woman ignores them and keeps walking. But Anne/Estelle is furious. She climbs up a ladder; gets on the roof. Then she explains to the guys that this…



Marilyn Flower

Writer, sacred fool, improviser, avid reader, novel forthcoming, soul collage facilitator, prayer warrior and did I say writer?