The Day I Lost My Way but Found My Compass

North, East, South, West: Which Direction Do I Know Best?

JoEllen Claypool


Copper-rimmed compass standing upright against the left side of a wooden window sill with the window on the right filled with the color light blue.
Picture by Jordan Madrid on Unsplash

You have to know where you’re going if you want to get there.

Never tell a menopausal woman that she is lost, or she will tell you where to go.

In all honesty, I’ve been lost since I moved to Idaho. Everything in our valley seems to run cattywampus. There is NW First Avenue and SE 2nd Street (along with a separate SE 2nd Avenue). And I am sure if I look hard enough, there’s a Northwest 3rd Avenue Street South.

My husband and I got into an argument one time about which direction we were headed. The sun was no help as it was straight up noon. So, each of us thought we were in the right that day.

The Change

But then I entered menopause. I have lost some of my hair, my sanity, and my sense of direction. I have only experienced one hot flash though.

I was sitting in my friend’s living room with five other ladies. There was a pillow behind me. A warm feeling in the middle of my back caused me to fidget a bit. It continued, and I placed my hand behind me and adjusted the pillow. I was trying not to draw attention because somebody else was talking and I didn’t want to be rude.



JoEllen Claypool

Lessons learned are lessons forwarded. JoEllen loves making the most of every opportunity when it comes to playing with words and writes in a variety of genres.