Mindfulness | Mental Wellness | Leap Day

The Gift of Time

Mindful Moments

jules - Miz Mindful
Published in
3 min readFeb 28, 2024


Large clock with sunrise background. On the right is a hand holding an hourglass
Image created by the author jules - Miz Mindful with Canva Pro

Caretaking while being the sole breadwinner stole all of my spirit and my shine. I don’t know if it was just the insurmountable stress or depression or a combination of the two, but I no longer knew who I was.

It seems like a lifetime ago, yet it was a mere four years ago. February 2020. The stress of the previous five years had taken its toll on me. I felt as if I had lost all the pieces of who I was. I was just existing within a cracked shell, going through the motions of each day.

As I sat, my eyes full of tears for all I had lost, I heard a conversation.

What time is it? asked my mind.
Time to create, said my heart.
Finally, screamed my soul.

That scream awoke a fire within me, and life has not been the same.

I traveled full speed ahead and created my Leap Into Mindfulness workshop. One of the top reasons, or excuses, we use is “I don’t have time.” However, February 29th, leap day, gives us a gift of 24 hours every four years. It is a time to take a leap of faith in whatever your soul is screaming for.

Ahhh… the magic returned. But only briefly. The world shut down just a few weeks later…



jules - Miz Mindful

Juggler of words as Miz Mindful -- editor Creations Over Coffee, artist, writer, Mindset Coach, Owner Mindful Expressions, Canvassador, - but call me jules!