The Glass is Half Full

Finding ways to look at the positive in life

Thoughts a Thinking


photo courtesy of freepik

If you ask me if the class is half empty or half full, I will always say it’s half full. Why not? Is there really another choice?

My husband recently said the news is all bad and that the only feel-good story is the one at the very end. In all honesty, he’s right. Whether it be the economy, acts of terrorism, poverty, or crime, so much of what we hear each night is all the ills of the world.

Do we really need to hear about all of this? In my opinion, yes.

Unfortunately, it’s what’s happening in this crazy world we live in. We have to stay informed. We can not live in a bubble. To be happy in our world, we have to stay informed because being informed will help us in the decisions we have to make for our own lives.

We all have choices.

The choices we make make us the people we are.

Whether the weatherman says partly cloudy or partly sunny, can have a whole different take on how you approach your day.

Having a rough day? You may take that partly cloudy forecast and say what an awful day it is. More than likely, it’s going to rain.

