The Path to Love

The path to love is not always quick. I found love late in life.

C. Reed Bush


Photo by Jacob Bentzinger on Unsplash

The crisp breeze of the winter air flowed across my face as snowflakes fell gingerly from the sky. It was Christmas eve in Chicago, a night too beautiful to spend indoors.

Store windows were brightly decorated with multicolored lights, reindeers, Santa Clauses, and Christmas trees surrounded by train sets while plastic children acted out scenes of opening gifts in the windows.

I slowly meandered down the street, debating whether to go inside to catch a last-minute sale before the doors closed for the holiday.

Couples were snuggling, children laughing, all delighted by the images of the Holiday that would soon be upon us.

Suddenly, a wave of deep sadness swept over my heart, piercing the dream state, loudly recalling, I was alone.

Simultaneously, the scene from the movie “Lady Sings the Blues” flashed before me. I could hear the words of Billie Dee Williams, as he looked into the haughty eyes of Diana Ross, portraying the jazz singer Billie Holiday, saying “Success is nothing without someone you love to share it with.”

That sharing could be a spouse, parent, friend, neighbor, son, daughter or even a colleague.



C. Reed Bush

I write about the achievements and challenges we encounter as we journey through life.