The Power of Prayer

It’s not what you think

Dani Mini


Image by author: Diego praying

I’m too rational to believe God intercedes when we invoke him in prayer. I mean, if I were to ask God, “Please, God, don’t let my son be one of the unnamed casualties from this shooting,” or, “Please, God, let my sister be one of the survivors in the crash,” he wouldn't go in and change the outcome, now would he?

Plus, I’d be praying to a pretty macabre God who’d be letting someone else die and their loved ones suffer just so he could answer my prayer. For all I know, the other people involved might be more saintly than me and be praying more fervently.

In fact, I don’t even know if I believe in God. Some days I do and some days I don’t. And yet, I do believe in the power of prayer for the three reasons that follow.

1. Prayer Is Grounding

I have the best mother in the world. No, really. I’m not just saying it because she’s my mom. She just is. My mother’s generous, loving, fun, and energetic. She never gets bored and she’s the best company. Everyone loves to be around her.

I believe her prayer habit has a lot to do with it. My mom prays a lot and attends mass several times a week. Being a Catholic, her routine revolves around the rosary.



Dani Mini

Dani is a special education advocate and writer of anything worth pondering, from autism to Botox.