Three Ways to Create a New Normal

All it takes is a few small lifestyle adjustments.

Patricia Davis


Photo by Max Kleinen on Unsplash

Let’s face it. The whole world has changed, and we don’t know what will happen from one day to the next. COVID-19 has changed how we live, maybe permanently. That doesn’t mean that we have to cower in our homes waiting for the elusive vaccine to appear.

If we exercise caution and behave wisely, we should be able to make adjustments to our routines that keep us safe and create a new normal we can live with.

Find ways to connect to friends and family.

Who have you not seen for quite some time? Are there family members or friends who need some company? Who is in your support circle but doesn’t live with you? What are some creative ways you could get together safely?

With restrictions imposed by COVID-19, I haven’t seen family or friends face-to-face since last March. We originally had plans to go visit family over the 4th of July, but with the surge of COVID in our area and reports of devastating effects of family meetings, we decided to cancel our trip.

As human beings, we need social connections. Without them, we become disconnected. For some, that can be devastating. For me, calling my brother and other family members once a week and having zoom…



Patricia Davis

Pat blogs about food, sustainability, and living simply. Sourdough is a particular passion. She also writes historical fiction with social justice themes.