Trade Your Poison For Pleasure

Destroy toxic habits by giving yourself a gift.

Alison Acheson
Published in
6 min readMay 16, 2024


Years ago, I quit smoking. It was tough. I was past the pack-a-day point. It was part of almost every time of day, mini celebrations, ways to connect with strangers and strengthen friendships. It was easier to smoke then—back in the 80s.

I tried a number of times to quit, but here’s the thing: quitting felt too much like punishment.

And I so relished the habit, beginning with undoing the cellophane and opening the packet, withdrawing the silvered paper, and poking at the first cigarette to emerge from its place. Each cigarette felt like a gift.

Sometimes, I’d be on an airplane or at a restaurant, and I’d take that bit of silver paper, fashion a miniature origami rabbit from it, and share it with a child. To see the look of wonder on their face was another gift.

Studying for piano exams, I’d use a cigarette break to get me through hours of practice. And my writing! How would I ever write again if I didn’t smoke?

But there came a time when I felt a pain in my chest and began to breathe too hard on long walks. And my hair smelled.

I tried to quit cold turkey. I tried to quit slowly. I wanted the strength to just “do it.” But nothing worked.



Alison Acheson

Dance Me to the End: Ten Months and Ten Days With ALS--caregiving memoir. My pubs here: LIVES WELL LIVED, UNSCHOOL FOR WRITERS, and editor for WRITE & REVIEW.