Unspoken Love and Broken Connections: A Tale of Twin Flames

Feeling safe with my arms wrapped around someone else’s wife

Vanessa Brown
Published in
6 min readJul 31, 2024


Photo by Becca Tapert on Unsplash

Lately, L has been on my mind. A lot!

I’ve never been able to let the connection go despite us going our separate ways. I’m not someone who spends a lot of time in the past ruminating on things that didn’t pan out. If anything I spend most of my time fantasizing about the future.

So why can’t I seem to let the memory of her go?

How we met

It was the fall of 2020, and I was living in Southern Ontario, Canada.

The summer had been spectacular. Pandemic restrictions had been relaxed, allowing me to celebrate my birthday in style as well as sample a little of what the city had to offer.

I returned home on a Saturday afternoon after a delicious lunch of nachos and margaritas with friends. It was unseasonably warm. I was looking forward to a long walk around my neighbourhood as I unlatched the gate leading into the backyard.

My housemate stood at the barbecue, grilling kebabs while talking to a handsome man holding a beer. The American started chatting with me, light dancing in his blue eyes as he flashed a gentle smile.



Vanessa Brown

Author, content creator, teacher, and recovering digital nomad. I have lived in six countries, five of them with a cat: thewelltravelledcat.com.