What Does it Take to Set Stronger, Better Boundaries?

It takes loving and valuing ourselves to guard our time and hearts

Marilyn Flower


Photo by Rhand McCoy on Unsplash

Why is it so easy to lose myself in other people and their concerns?

A friend calls to share her latest woe and gracefully, she clears the time with me. We agree on 20–25 minutes. But after about 40, I want to share my latest woe. So instead of wrapping up the call, I start in on my story.

Soon, an hour has gone by. With my permission. An hour I can’t get back.

Then, I find myself in a discussion about people who aren’t present. I do my best to represent their feelings. Or what I imagine their feelings to be.

The word codependent comes up. Could that be me?

Have I gotten my feelings intermeshed with theirs? Do I need to step back and let them speak for themselves?

And finally, I sit down to write my Thursday post — this very one — with only vague ideas. I haven’t planned ahead or made an outline. Or even decided on a topic.

So I go exploring online for ideas. In honor of Native American Heritage Month, I wonder about Native women comedians. And go down a rabbit hole watching video performances.



Marilyn Flower

Writer, sacred fool, improviser, avid reader, novel forthcoming, soul collage facilitator, prayer warrior and did I say writer? https://linktr.ee/marilynflower