What Hides Behind The New Veil?

The changes I’m seeing in men's and women’s bodies.

Dr. Preeti Singh


Photo by Alexandru Zdrobău on Unsplash

I met a lady yesterday at a party. She was very young to look at. She was holding court with many people around her.

I joined them. The stories seemed interesting, so that must be the reason for people being glued to her, and the group was getting bigger.

Some people were struck by her beauty, others admired her personality, and some just loved her stories.

One of the stories she narrated was of a Bollywood actress she had met recently who was in her seventies. Her age was known through Google information, but no one could really say that she was that old.

She came with her husband, who was also an actor. He was handsome for his age, but despite the new veil, he still looked much older than her.

This lady was no heroine from films but rich. She flaunted her diamonds and expensive clothes and looked very young. The reason was that she now had a new curtain on.

I refer to the new veil as the procedure done to make yourself look young.

Plastic surgery and simple medical interventions have made it possible to get your skin rejuvenated, and people at 85 want to look like 21.



Dr. Preeti Singh

Doctorate in Finance, Professor, Author, I write about Life’s experiences, edutech. 9xTop writer.