When Hurt People Hurt Other People, It’s a Call for Touch Love

Not tough love, touch love.

Marilyn Flower


“Hurt people hurt people.” ~ Will Bowen

I was co-facilitating a meeting. We’d just explained to a member with a motion to make where that goes on our agenda. And when.

Her response was to mutter something about IF I get called on. Not when, If. Ouch!

Later in the meeting, when her motion didn’t pass, she had more choice words to say. Including how she wasn’t sure she was up for coming to these meetings anymore. I bit my tongue.

It’s not the first time she’s pushed my buttons. Probably not the last.

But if she’s managed to push my buttons it must be I had buttons hanging out there to push, right? And if they’re hanging out there, sooner or later, they’re gonna get pushed. If not by her, by someone. It’s the nature of buttons.

I believe those buttons represent my ego. And sometimes, my ego is bruised and battered. Or just plain exhausted from too much to-doing and not enough sleep-sleeping.

Maybe we humans are like rough rocks thrown into a tumbler to get polished. The stones in that tumbler get polished by crashing against each other at high speeds. Those abrasions polish them till they sparkle.



Marilyn Flower

Writer, sacred fool, improviser, avid reader, novel forthcoming, soul collage facilitator, prayer warrior and did I say writer? https://linktr.ee/marilynflower