When The Clock Strikes Midlife

It’s time to ride

Kerstin Krause


A woman wearing an orange bandana around her head and a black T-shirt reading BIKE ‘N SOUL standing behind her motorcycle.
Photo by Laura Rust

There are times that must happen to you — Walt Whitman

And midlife is undoubtedly one of them.

I had just returned from a job in Afghanistan when midlife bolted through the door with a burn-out, knocking me around like a helpless leaf in the wind. And leaving me clueless about what to do with the rest of my goddamn life.

Not everyone needs a new beginning.

I did.

I was 52.

Motorcycling ended life as I knew it

I had no plan. So, I signed up for a sabbatical and started motorcycling. It was spring 2018 when I had my first riding lesson. I practiced endless stop-and-go maneuvers in a dull parking lot for days. But in my mind, I was already racing down Route 66.

I sensed I was on to something. But I had no idea that motorcycling would forever change my (mid)life perspectives.

The rewards came instantaneously.

I fell in love with the courage I never knew I had

When we get older, we tend to pack our lives with paralyzing what-ifs and I-am-too-old mantras. Of course, I was terrified to come off, get injured, or even worse.



Kerstin Krause

Seasoned traveler | Passionate writer | Bold motorbike rider | Find out more: www.bike-n-soul.com or support women @https://ko-fi.com/bikensoultanzania