When You Undertake An Experiment, Sometimes It Will Fail

2022 started so well

Cali Bird
Published in
6 min readOct 13, 2022


Photo by Alex Kondratiev on Unsplash

Do you remember back to January? I was wide-eyed with optimism and happily embarked on some new projects. I declared everything to be an experiment and my catchphrase was, “Let’s see what happens.”

My writing got off to a good start, but then I made two choices in March which haven’t panned out.

Both have cost me my health.

Firstly, I decided to get a part-time job in a coffee shop. Having taken what I called a sabbatical from my ‘proper’ job as an IT consultant, I was obsessed with working what I thought would be an ‘easier’ job to bring a little bit of money in, but still leave me lots of headspace to write.

How wrong I was!

The job was really physically demanding. I had two afternoon shifts which involved several hours of cleaning at break-neck speed so that everything in the whole shop would be sanitised and spruced up by the time we closed.

One of my main jobs was to sweep and mop the floor, moving all the tables and chairs as I did so. Even the seventeen-year-olds, with whom I worked alongside, said that this left them exhausted and they just went home and slept — and I was older than one of their grannys!



Cali Bird

Realistic advice on being creative alongside your busy life. www.gentlecreative.com. I write novels too. Need romantic escapism? Check out www.calibird.com