When Your Friend Isn’t the Friend You Thought She Was

What to do when your friendship turns one-sided

Diane Hatz


Photo by pixelshot for Canva Pro

I met a friend at a cafe last week; let’s call her Jan. I hadn’t seen her for about a year and was looking forward to catching up. We settled into our comfortable wingback chairs with our steaming mugs of tea and started sharing what we’ve been up to.

Jan filled me in on her day-to-day life and her writing, which was wonderful to hear. As I started telling her about my books and my life in New Mexico, she leapt up and went into another room to speak with someone at the front counter.

I let it slide. We often remember things with a sudden burst of energy, so I figured she needed to sort something out with the owner of the shop.

She sat back down, and we continued our conversation. For the second time, while I was literally in the middle of a sentence, she pulled out her phone and started looking at her emails. I stopped talking and watched her going through her messages. She completely ignored me as she mumbled to herself and scrolled through her cell.

I was aghast. I realize some people are not good listeners, but I was completely taken aback by the way she abruptly tuned me out and ignored what I was saying.



Diane Hatz

Author. Organizer. Inner activist. Looking for answers one pen stroke, meditation, and road trip at a time. Rock Gods & Messy Monsters out now.