Who Is Your Hero and What Is Her Name?

Middle-Pause wants to know!

Debbie Walker


Photo by Sergiu Vălenaș on Unsplash

Women are important! We are almost 50% of the earth’s population, so it stands to reason we exert great influence. We are the mothers, caregivers, stateswomen, storytellers, and leaders of the world.

Women weave love through the lives of people from the cradle to the grave. Our influence speaks from the past into the future. We have changed the course of history and birthed new societies.

We touch a child’s heart and leave endearing legacies.

We are inventors and innovators. We have breached the boundaries of the earth and ruled over nations.

Who is your favorite? Gives us a backstory, and tell us why she is your hero? What can you do for her today or in her name? Let’s give our females their props!

I’ll start with mine.

Who is she?

I honestly had to think about this question for a second. I admire so many women. Listening to my heart, though, I heard a voice speaking through the darkness. A face emerged through the myriad of women vying for the position of my favorite woman — my grandmother, Freda.

She was a kind and empathic woman who suffered under the thumb of a stern and bigoted husband. Her heart was as big as the…



Debbie Walker

Debbie Walker is the creator of Middle-Pause, STOMP!, & published a 3-book anthology. Top Writer Food & Diversity. Follow her at https://linktr.ee/Debbie_Walker