Why I Won’t Get a Facelift

With unrealistic expectations perpetuated by social media, there’s a lot of pressure on women to look young.

Bebe Nicholson
Published in
5 min readOct 31, 2024


Photo of woman getting Botox by Gustavo Fring. https://www.pexels.com/photo/woman-getting-a-face-botox-3985311/

Sometimes I gaze in the mirror, pull my skin tight, and a vain little voice inside my head says, “Wouldn’t you look better with a tiny tweak?”

Then the voice of reason, the other voice inside my head, shouts “No! Don’t do it!”

The voice of reason realizes something the voice of vanity ignores. Aging is unavoidable, and clinging to youth is a frustrating and ultimately fruitless endeavor. It can become an obsession that takes our focus away from things that matter, and the pursuit of beauty can backfire.

Not all cosmetic procedures end badly, or people wouldn’t have them. Dolly Pardon looks terrific with her tucks, nips, and enhancements. Cher seems ageless, and Cindy Crawford makes you want to grab the Botox. They make 70 look like 40.

Dolly Pardon, photo from Wikimedia Commons. File:Dolly Parton (6330151617).jpg — Wikimedia Commons

But surgery would not make my 70 look like 40.

I’m convinced I would be like my friend who ended up with a golf ball-sized lump on the side of her face. Instead of plumping out her smile lines…




Published in Middle-Pause

We are the voices of women who encourage, inspire, and empower each other to live lives of meaning and purpose. We are women in the middle.

Bebe Nicholson
Bebe Nicholson

Written by Bebe Nicholson

Writer, editor, publisher, journalist, author, columnist, believer in enjoying my journey and helping other people enjoy theirs. bknicholson@att.net

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