World on Third Floor

Telegu New Year and what’s in the cupboard

Aikya Param


Ugadi marks the beginning of Telegu New Year.

Today is Telegu New Year.
My Telegu neighbor cooks
A celebratory feast.
Maybe his girlfriend is coming
To enjoy his culinary masterpiece.
He’s an excellent cook,
Holiday or not.

Just now I walked,
Not up the big hill this time
But just along my avenue
With the three-syllable name.
The day was ending,
The sun slowly
Sinking in the west.
I wore my hat,
The periwinkle blue.

During my walk,
The wind cut down
The warm temperature
The white flowers,
Buoyant at the roadside,
Refuse to wilt.

Dogs at the pavement edge
With their people
Will not live as long as
The poem that celebrates them.

Today I cooked chickpeas with tomato,
All three colors quinoa with broccoli,
Spices in the first…



Aikya Param

Rev. Aikya Param is a minister at Oakland Center for Spiritual Living in Oakland, California, a published author and visual artist.