5 Trends to look forward to in post-pandemic Nigeria

Middletrust HQ
Published in
2 min readJul 30, 2020
Photo by Retha Ferguson from Pexels

The COVID-19 pandemic took the world by surprise. Every industry — from aviation to education — has suffered. Even the finance market has taken a hit to the head.

But today, economies are stabilizing. And while we look forward to getting things back to normal, investors are looking to capitalize on opportunities in the finance market. Trends are shaping up. The economy is at the beginning of an evolution that will be ready to take another hit.

Here are some trends in the finance market to look forward to.

Remote work will become fashionable.

With the current situation, companies have found themselves with no choice than to work remotely.

This has led to a lot of companies abandoning the office space to cut costs.

Stocks will be back in fashion.

With the hit of the pandemic, a lot of companies saw their stocks hit hard.

But as the economy is stabilizing, the stock market is healing. Now is a brilliant time to buy stocks and invest.

Lawyers will smile to the bank.

The influx of court cases and legal issues will be massive post-pandemic.

Most businesses are defaulting; insurance companies will receive an influx of claims. And they’ll most likely fight them because a pandemic was not in their terms and conditions.

The fight between moral and legal obligations will end up in the hands of lawyers and solicitors. One man’s pain, another man’s gain.

Event Planning

After months of social distancing, there will be parties at the end of the lockdown. Event planners will be in outrageous demand all over the world, and party-related businesses will finally get their share of the cake.

Increase in Crime Rate

Here’s the bad part. Thousands of people lost their jobs during the pandemic; thousands more are desperate and hungry. The number of crime cases — online and offline — will skyrocket. Small, vulnerable businesses and their customers will be the focus of these attacks. And the only way to stay safe is to secure you and your customer’s transactions.

Middletrust ensures you are always satisfied with the outcome of every transaction. No more scam deals.

Lastly, companies will look to employ people with technological skills. If you’re looking to get a job, getting a skill should be at the top of your list.

The world is changing; don’t get stuck in the past.



Middletrust HQ

Middletrust is Nigeria’s most Trusted digital escrow service provider.