5 Ways Your Business Can Gain the Trust that Big Brands Enjoy.

Middletrust HQ
Published in
3 min readJun 23, 2020

If you’re here, it means you want to take your lbusiness to the next level. Gain new customer’s loyalty. And turn your existing customers to your testifying advertisers.

With the rise of social media and the internet, your customers’ options for getting products and services have increased. They can now buy from a hundred other shops selling the same product/service as you. And if your business isn’t keeping customers loyal, then you lose customers.

With these following tips, you’ll learn how to gain customer loyalty and make your existing customers preach about your business.

1. Offer more value.

If your business is offering the same product/service in the same way as your competitors, it becomes easy for your customers to leave.

Stand out of the crowd, be different.

If you intend on standing out and being a customer magnet, offer more in value and exceed expectations.

  • You can give more value by offering better quality at the same price.
  • Also, make the extra effort to find out your customer’s specific needs. Or a benefit your customers want and deliver on it.
  • Another brilliant way you can offer value is by offering emotional customer service. Be cheerful and friendly.
  • Customers patronize businesses they know, like, and trust.
  • Offer a discount; send surprise mails on your customer’s birthdays to show that you care.

2. Create an Unforgettable Business Experience

How do you make your customers feel after doing business with you? The answer to this question determines if they will tell others about your business, or if they will forget about it.

You should have a unique experience that is engaging, reliable, trendy, and unique to your business.

3. Design Your Receipts as Customer Feedback Questionnaires.

What better way to know your customers like or dislike than by asking them?

  • Use your receipts to ask your customers questions about their business experience with you.
  • Give them the feeling that their voice is being heard and acted upon.
  • With their permission, you can use it as testimonials to show that your customers love your business, but don’t make your customers feel like they must answer your questions. Always tell them it’s optional.

4. Make Your Customers Life much Easier.

  • You don’t always have to worry about making sales, and expect that your customer’s needs and the sales target will take care of itself.
  • If your customers come to you because they love shoes, then send newsletters or write blog articles about the latest trendy shoes.
  • Make it easy for your customers to benefit from you, even when they’re not buying. And you’ll be the only option when they do buy.

5. Create a Secure Payment Channel for Your Customers.

Your customers should always feel safe doing business with you. With the number of fraudsters and scam deals on the rise, it’s only normal that it scares customers to do business with you.

Luckily for you, Escrow services help you build transparency and trust with your customers. Escrow companies like Middletrust ensure secure business transactions and give your customers complete confidence to do business with you.

We hope you equip yourself with these few tips, act on them, and turn your business into a customer magnetic sales machine.

Click on this link to learn what escrow is all about.



Middletrust HQ

Middletrust is Nigeria’s most Trusted digital escrow service provider.