4 Useful Tips For Your Teen To Ace His Social Studies Exam!

(Don’t worry…he doesn’t have to study hard…)

Alice and her Wonderland
3 min readJul 20, 2024


Photo by Luis Villasmil on Unsplash

Hey guys,

The new academic sessions have begun after the summer. And that reminds me. The Unit exams are coming up. I thought I could give some tips for the kids above 6th grade to ace their Social Studies exams.

First finish cursing the circumstances that led you to pass the exams till 5th grade. Because that’s why you’re in this 6th grade bringing yourself a whole lot of misery.

6th grade is when science decided to multiply itself to be called physics, Chemistry, and Biology. As though on cue, the Social Studies also multiplied creating a steep increase in population in the census study. It has now become- history, geography, and civics.

If you thought the languages remained dormant then you’re wrong. They’ve now got sections that might give you shock waves: the language, the literature, the creative writing, and the grammar.

As if this was not enough the math decided to displace your brains. It developed a whole new wing of Algebra, the geometry…well, let’s not talk about math…it’s so inauspicious!

So, here are some cool tips to ace the Social Studies exams. Please consider them seriously as you make your exam study plans.

  1. Invest in the right photo frames: Who said only police stations and courtrooms should flaunt the photo frames of national leaders and heroes? It is important to invoke and worship the right muses/ leaders for your success in the upcoming exams.
Photo by Krišjānis Kazaks on Unsplash

So give up on those obscure photo frames of your long-lost uncle. And go ahead and decorate your walls with pics of Mahatma Gandhi, Dr. Ambedkar, and probably even Karl Marx! Leave out the pics of Narendra Modi and Donald Trump for your grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

2. Be sure of your headings and first lines: Listen. The one thing that your history teacher will be surely interested in is your side headings and the first lines. So prepare them well. Leave the rest to destiny. The rest can be rubbish.

For eg. if the question is, explain the reasons for the downfall of the Mughal empire in India, then the answer can be like this: The reasons for the decline of the Mughal empire in India are:

The big Zamindars and landlords began asserting themselves causing a feud…………………………………………………………………………. Today I forgot to feed my cat his cat food. Even yesterday. I hope my mother doesn’t find out. She wouldn’t know the difference anyway.

Do you get me? Your teacher doesn’t care beyond the first sentence. Because even she needs to make her dinner after paper correction. Just fill your lines according to the marks.

3. Look for your answers hiding in questions: The MCQ questions that have become all the rage these days may sometimes pose a genuine challenge. I mean you can’t bluff around in MCQ. You either know it or you don’t. Isn’t it? Or is it?

Because at this point I’ve got a useful solution to this problem. For instance, the question was: When did the Quit India Movement happen? Now there are a few options given. But you don’t know quite which one to choose.

But don’t panic. Here’s what you do. Flip the page. Go through the entire paper. You might find a short notes question like this: Write short notes on Quit India Movement:1942. That’s it. You know your answer!

4. Play I Spy: Let’s say…there is an MCQ question that you don’t know the answer to. Now you can’t find the answer in the question paper. Then, do this: Just calm down. Take a few deep breaths. Close your eyes

No…no, not a meditation session… Just for a couple of minutes. Then open your eyes and look at the same question. And whichever answer pops out (or you see first) in front of your eye…mark that as the answer. Simple!

Key Message: Whatever the situation don’t take stress over a silly SST paper! Stress is something you give others. Ha! Ha!



Alice and her Wonderland

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