The Daily Write

A Letter to my Future Self

I hope you’re doing well.

Faith Tate
Published in
2 min readJun 17, 2022


Photo by Ire Photocreative on Unsplash

June 16th: Write a letter to give to yourself 5 years from now.

Dear Future Me,

I’m sitting on the couch in the small apartment we got for our senior year of college.

As I write this, I have no idea what the future holds except a general idea of what kind of things we like: art, psychology, and writing.

I try not to worry about where you are in the world, and most days I succeed at it. Other days, I succumb to the uncertainty.

Since this is my summer of self-discovery and creative exploration, I have had some time to think. I will share with you some wishes I have for our future.

I hope you are happy most days. I hope you are doing something that you love. I hope that you are still doing things to let your inner child go free.

I hope that you have more people in your life that you love. I hope that you are comfortable exploring the world on your own. I hope that you are truly, and unapologetically yourself. Ideally, you have a better idea of who that is.

I hope you have some pets. I have been wanting a dog so badly, lately.

I hope you take some time to sit in nature and take in the present moment.

Most importantly, I hope that you live each day lighter than the last. I hope you heal and let go. I hope you are free.



Key Message: I hope that my future self feels free.



Faith Tate

21. A lover of writing, whether it be poetry, prose, self-help, or quirky articles. Majoring in creative writing and psychology at college.