A Woman Named Mercedes

“Hehe! You can’t see me!”

Dawn Smiles
Published in
3 min readMar 29, 2022


Mercedes with a purple and blue snow hat on over her brown hair. She’s looking into the camera with a smile
Photo of Mercedes used with her permission

Doing a Reading is a bit like walking in the dark and asking Spirit to take your hand. You have to feel your way forward, and remain open to impressions.

If you grab on to something that’s from your imagination and not an intuitive hit, you can go down the wrong path real easy. Sometimes, it’s really hard to tell the difference between intuition and flight of fancy.

The more exact the info, the more likely it’s just your imagination — Spirit rarely speaks in specifics

In person, you can get a sense from the recipient’s body language and facial expressions if you’re way off. And sometimes a person will just simply tell you!

Over email though, that’s a whole different story.

When I started hearing Scottish highland bagpipe music and seeing faeries I was just kinda like, um…hold on a second. Lemme pause and get some feedback. I contacted Mercedes and simply asked!

She affirmed I was on the right track! So, I continued from there.

With that, on to the Reading for Mercedes O'Leary! :)



Dawn Smiles

Hi, I’m Dawn! 😊 I’m here, traveling by your side. It’s time to shine!☀️ | LoA | Meditate | Positive | Intuition | E-motion | Growth | Clarity | Love | Hugs! 😄