Chasing dreams

"Getting immersed in the passion of dreaming and pursuing them to fruition."

Published in
3 min readJul 29, 2023


Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

"It is very difficult to see dreams with open eyes because they become a passionate obsession to fulfill. Unfulfilled dreams are the ones that are seen with open eyes; while sleeping, any dream can come, but with open eyes, only the paths are shown that we can truly achieve.

"Why should we dream?"

  • To become better oneself.
  • To achieve something significant.
  • Having dreams is crucial for reaching the position we desire.
  • For a brighter future.
  • And most importantly, to stand tall in our own eyes.

These points may differ for everyone, and even if the reasons vary, dreaming is essential."

"How to fulfill dreams?"

  1. "Small steps determine destinations: There is a significant difference between dreams and reality. They cannot be achieved all at once, and perhaps they can be, but always, small efforts contribute to achieving big dreams."
  2. Courage to Face Challenges: Hardships and ease walk alongside a person. Confronting difficulties requires courage, with the belief that displaying courage today amidst difficulties will lead to a better tomorrow. This mindset instills inner strength in a person."
  3. Determination: Having determination greatly helps in fulfilling dreams. When we have a strong determination towards a dream or a task, the chances of achieving it increase."
  4. Honesty: To fulfill dreams, one should be honest, not merely mentioning dreams in words but reflecting them in their actions."

"A story of a girl who chases her dreams."

In front of my house, there used to be a girl who was very ordinary and simple. She had two sisters, a brother, and her parents. We both attended tuition classes together. Suddenly, her father’s health started deteriorating, leading to the loss of his job. Their condition worsened day by day. Her elder sister also left home as she had fallen in love with someone and got married to him. Her mother was a very simple housewife.

One day, her father passed away, and their situation became even more difficult. It affected her studies as there were no funds for further education, and there was no source of income. Her younger brother was just five years old, and she was only 17 years old. But she did not lose hope and started doing part-time work to manage the household expenses and her studies. In the morning, she went to college, and after finishing college, she worked at a grocery shop for her part-time job. She managed her time diligently, studying late into the night after completing her work.

As time passed, their situation improved because they found a source of income at home. As soon as she finished her studies, she appeared for the bank manager's competitive exam and succeeded. When I met her, she told me only one thing - one should always strive to achieve their dreams, as challenges will come and teach us, but one should keep moving forward and continue pursuing their dreams.

Key Message: In the end, I would like to say, keep pursuing the flight of your dreams. You may stumble, you may even break, but remember, the destination is set; you will find it, and you will shine with that sparkle that is pulling you towards your desires and praising you with anticipation.




Writer, loves to read articles and novels, history and books, and like to explore new things, part time teacher.