Contrasting Deep Learning Models

The intricacies of genuine intelligence vs AI

4 min readMar 23, 2024


Photo by Andy Kelly on Unsplash

Genuine intelligence refers to the cognitive ability that people inherently possess. It is derived from the intricate and adaptive mechanisms of the human brain. It encompasses things like creativity, emotional understanding, and consciousness, which are unique to people and can’t be copied by machines. Nonetheless, we can see analogies between humans and machine learning. I believe we could identify some significant parallels between both systems: -

  • Data or input is the first step in the process of learning for both natural (humans) and artificial (machine learning) systems.
  • Both systems use a variety of cognitive processes or layers of computing nodes to process and analyze information to extract features and patterns.
  • Natural and artificial learning systems acquire knowledge by either interacting with the outside world or by training a neural network and changing its parameters.
  • In the end, both systems obtain feedback either from the consequences of the actions, from the social circle, including but not limited to family, teachers, friends, and the media, or through a “loss function” that measures how well the AI models predict things in comparison to actual events.
  • Both genuine (human) and artificial (machine) learning systems are iterative.
Simple Learning Process

Closer research, however, reveals that human thought processes are far more intricate. Consider how humans continuously observe their surroundings and draw conclusions, even when they are not directly involved. This phenomenon has a tremendous influence on our beliefs and behaviors.

We constantly shape our cognitive processes by observing and absorbing information from our environment, which in turn influences our deeds. Notably, some of our actions are directly derived from our ideas, while others are preceded by vocal representation.

“Watch your thoughts, they become words; watch your words, they become actions; watch your actions, they become habits; watch your habits, they become character; watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.” FRANK OUTLAW

I attempted to visually represent the human learning process and created the following mind map:

Mind Map for Human Learning Process

This mind map is quite useful in emphasizing the significance of our ideas, actions, and consequences. This mind map emphasizes how social influences continue to shape our personalities.

When it comes to human behavior, our ideas and deeds can be viewed as an iterative system that is shaped by our prior experiences. Even a minor unfavorable experience has the power to amplify and impact our beliefs and behaviors in the future. However, this is dependent on an individual’s resilience and ability to learn and grow from these experiences. As a result, even though human actions may mirror those of such a system, the results are not always predictable and may vary substantially.

In addition to individual resilience and learning ability, the influence we receive from our social circle and media outlets is an important aspect. These effects can either enhance the ‘entropy’ in our personal ‘system’, resulting in more chaos and unpredictability in our thoughts and actions, or lessen it, resulting in greater order and predictability.

For example, being surrounded by positive influences and consuming media responsibly might help minimize ‘entropy’, resulting in more positive ideas and behaviors. Undesirable influences and irresponsible media use, on the other hand, might promote ‘entropy’, resulting in more undesirable or unpredictable behavior. We may work to manage this ‘entropy’ and preserve equilibrium in our personal ‘system’ by choosing our company wisely and using the media appropriately.

The mind map emphasizes the importance of our spoken words. Positive or negative, our words have force when they match our actions. On the other hand, ineffective speech can raise doubts, weaken trustworthiness, or completely undermine credibility.

The Qur’an (Chapter: 61 ‘As-Saff’, Verse: 02)
“O ye who believe! Why say ye that which ye do not?”

To put it simply, positive effects lead to positive reactions, whereas negative influences have the opposite effect. To maintain a positive and healthy outcome in this human deep learning process, the following key message is crucial.

Key Message: Surrounding oneself with true and honest company and consuming media responsibly are necessary for cultivating optimism in one’s character. Moreover, avoiding empty speech, which consists of false and dishonest statements, unproven assertions, needless fabrications, phony praises, inflated assurances, and deceptive flattery is crucial. Such actions damage credibility and reputation while eroding relationships and trust.




Engineer by profession; likes to read and write. A sports lover