The Succinct Guide

Elevating your Employability

3 Key strategies to reinvent your expertise, brand and network

Isobel Tynan


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The pandemic gave us unprecedented possibilities to reinvent our careers.

Greater freedom on where we work. Flexibility on how we connect with colleagues and clients. More autonomy managing work and life demands.

Maintaining a career status quo is no longer an option

We need to continually reinvent ourselves to boost employability. How we do that will differ for each of us. Start here.

1. Reinvent your expertise

Start with these 2 questions. To what extent is your employer helping you progress? Are you building transferable skills?

Participate in cross-company projects

Identify those value-add projects you’d love to undertake with time and relevant support. Set yourself up to re-skill while adding strategic value to your company. Future Learn, Udemy, LinkedIn Learning: all are good for formal learning and upskilling.

2. Reinvent your brand

Actively communicate how you can contribute to the company. Seek out a mentor or sponsor to advocate for you. Broaden your network and the value you can add. Position yourself to be considered for future career opportunities.

Start your side hustle

Try on new work options in a low-risk way. Digital writing, part-time lecturing, pro bono work. Volunteer to lead key projects, particularly cross-organisation ones, in your current role.

3. Reinvent your network

Speak with trusted former colleagues about your career aspirations. They understand your work strengths and will have valid suggestions on how you can progress. Access to their contacts is invaluable.

Look at your broader network

Identify who’s already doing the role you’re interested in. Ask if they’re open to a short conversation.

Key Message: We spend 30% of our lives working. Let’s use that precious time wisely to eleveate our employability and craft careers we love.



Isobel Tynan

I talk about social capital and how to build networks | Effective Consulting and Trusted Advisor Relationships | Corporate Trainer, Coach, University Lecturer |