How do I prioritise things when I want to do it all…?

Have I just turned my business into a hobby?

Lynsey Wall
2 min readMay 25, 2022


orange neon sign on green railings saying “work & play”
Photo by Antonio Gabola on Unsplash

I’ve been changing things up with how I work lately, to make more room for fun stuff as I had a habit of working way too hard & having zero time for me to switch off & enjoy life.

It’s gone well — really, really well… okay, perhaps it’s gone a little too well

I have clearly loved making more time for me & what I want to do — I have been able to write more, spend more time going out for lovely walks & connecting with people.

So now I need to rein this in & make more room for work as well as hobbies & fun. But how do I level this see-sawing of time management?

Is it a new writer on Medium thing? Will I settle into a nice rhythm & not get quite so lost in writing my own stories or reading what others are offering?

Considering I help people manage this balance within my work, I may be at the stage of needing to self-enforce a time limit to my time on Medium…

I hope you’re doing good today, and thank you for reading & engaging with me — however distracting it may be from my workI fully appreciate it & love reading your response 💚

Key Message: Take the time to enjoy what you love alongside taking the necessary steps to reach your business goals. Some days you may spend more time on one & that’s okay, just don’t leave the other behind 💚


This is a follow up to my article I wrote during my 1st week on Medium — You can read it here.

I’m now almost 2 weeks into it & loving it every day! If you’d like to see more or follow my writing you can do so here



Lynsey Wall

MA Counselling & Psychotherapy | BSc (Hons) Psychology | Teacher | Introvert Productivity Coach & Mentor | Digital Products & Journals |