Adding colors to your plate

I Never Thought I Could Diet!

The Mysterious Science Of Nutrition…

Alice and her Kitchen


Photo by Alexander Mils on Unsplash

Everyone has to diet in their life at some point in time. Even if they weren’t thinking of nutrition, health, body mass index, etc., the internet would make sure that they do so.

Everything from intermittent fasting to Keto diet is discussed in such depth and detail that you, for once start buying all that is said. And exactly this is how I too ended up dieting!

Yeah, I am dieting. If you can’t believe that, then that’s the official version. Me….the person who used to say before….I don’t care if I am thin or fat. If at all I have to be in shape…then a circle or square is the shape I choose….

Not trying to look young:

Now don’t get me wrong. I was not thinking of a wardrobe makeover or getting a new haircut done to start looking younger! I am not even trying to look younger because I know I have become old.

Old enough to start questioning the working condition of my heart.

Photo by Robina Weermeijer on Unsplash

Lifestyle modification:

So, I thought it best to modify my lifestyle and eating habits to something heart-friendly. Instead of just worrying about my future, I decided I could work for it! I am so tuned into this new outlook on food that the world for me changed.

Armed with knowledge from every possible source(read the internet) I plunged into my eating healthy journey.

Eat red:

The first change I discovered that I had to make was eating red. Of course, it has to be that way! I read somewhere that eating red fruits and vegetables is a good source of many bioactive ingredients and nutrition like vitamins A, C, and E, minerals, iron. sodium, dietary fiber, etc., Watermelons, red beet, strawberries, tomatoes, and anything red promotes heart health.

Well, in that case, should I consider eating the wild hibiscus flowers that grow in our neighborhood? Just considering. You never know what vitamins they may contain. Someone may research it someday and it might become a superfood!

In which case I could stock up on some wild flowers.

Have plenty of green leafy vegetables:

Photo by Heather Barnes on Unsplash

Having your greens following the footsteps of Popeye seems to be the mantra for nutrition. So I have stocked up on Palak, Methi, the South Indian Chowli, etc., And I have read up recipes on using Amaranth leaves, watercress leaves, and what not.

I am aware that spinach could be curried, pureed, blanched, or even had as a soup. My quest for knowledge about green leafy vegetables continues. Someday I may even think of consuming the traditional Kusha grass to boost good health.

Come to think of it, somebody else has already done that. Yes. The other day I heard of “Arugampul juice” (juice made of Kusha grass) being sold in Chennai!

The grainy picture:

Well, my nutrition story doesn’t stop with that! I am getting into this dingy soup of eating healthy nonsense deeper and deeper. First, I discovered I had to eat red, green, blue, or whatever…the next I had to dive deep into the world of grains. whole grains.

As if the wheat and rice that I already consume aren’t enough or something. I have to now eat oats, barley, millet, Ragi, and maybe even bran… Feeling like a cow to be honest!

Inclusivity or exclusivity?:

Photo by ian dooley on Unsplash

I would like to fight for inclusivity in this world of unfairness and injustice through my diet. Wondering what am I going on rambling about? A healthy diet would mean excluding fatty things. Chocolates, Ice creams, chips, French fries, and deep-fried stuff.

But being compassionate at heart I would like to scream for their inclusivity, not exclusivity! It’s only fair for us to be civil towards the ice cream which gives us great joy in the summer!

Key Message: Moral of the story: (From a dieter’s point of view) Never underestimate the nutrition of anything. The next time your child grabs a handful of sand and tries to put it into his mouth- don’t stop him! You never know how much vitamins and minerals they may contain. Even Lord Krishna ate it as a child!



Alice and her Kitchen

Entertaining you with my kitchen stories! Life is beautiful...Be amusing, not amazing!!!