If You Want To Write, Write

Don’t listen to people who don’t support your dreams

Linda Locke
Published in
3 min readApr 2, 2024


Image Credit: Canva

“Start writing, no matter what. The water does not flow until the faucet is turned on.” ―Louis L’Amour

“Writing is a calling, not a choice.”
— Isabel Allende

If you want to write, go ahead and write. Don’t listen to those naysayers who tell you, “You’ll never make any money writing, get a real job” (aka something that pays well that you don’t want to do).

Writing in itself is a valid pursuit especially if you enjoy doing it and you have something burning inside you to write about.

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

It always fascinates me how many women writers in the past supported their families with their writing skills. Writing was a legitimate career and gateway to one of the few creative careers open to women in the 19th century.

Writers like Louisa May Alcott author of the beloved Little Women and Frances Hodgson Burnett author of The Secret Garden supported their families with their writing and their vivid imaginations.



Linda Locke

Writer, Author, Publisher of Midform Pub. I teach writing classes online and blog about writing, self-improvement and lots of other stuff.