It Won’t Affect Me in My Lifetime

Have you ever wondered why politicians who genuinely want to act on the climate crisis face so much opposition?

Epic Dreamweaver
Published in
3 min readApr 27, 2024


Photo by NOAA on Unsplash

Back in our familiar corner of the café, I delved deeper into our discussion about the climate crisis. The steam from our coffees mingled with the air, much like our thoughts intertwining in our quest for understanding.

“Nick,” Penny began, her tone reflective, “have you ever wondered why politicians who genuinely want to act on the climate crisis face so much opposition? It’s paradoxical, considering the stakes involved.”

I nodded, my mind racing through the various news articles and debates I had witnessed. “It’s a conundrum, isn’t it? On one hand, we have clear evidence of the crisis, and on the other, there’s this significant resistance, both politically and socially.”

Penny leaned forward, her eyes searching mine. “It’s more than just a lack of awareness. There seems to be a deliberate refusal to accept the evidence. Why do you think that is?”

I pondered for a moment: “It’s a mix of factors, I believe. Psychologically, accepting the reality of the climate crisis means accepting a future full of uncertainty and fear. For many, denial is a simpler, more comforting…



Epic Dreamweaver
Writer for

I read and write, I write, and read. Be your own hero, when nothing helps, help others. Always remember: Life is beautiful, and so are you heltenanti@gmail.com