Manifesting Our First Home Purchase

I’m a panther ready to pounce

Megan Llorente


Photo by PhotoMIX Company from Pexels

I will be the first in my family to purchase a home.

My parents have believed in renting since the dawn of time. And in many ways they are right.

Buying a home these days is often more expensive than renting, especially with rising interest rates and market uncertainty.

But I still want a home to call my own. I want to renovate and decorate and live there for as long as I like. I don’t want someone’s permission to do as I please. I’m done having a landlord.

My partner and I are more ready than we’ve ever been. I’m so close I can taste it – yet our home hasn’t shown up just yet.

What does it take to manifest that perfect home?

First-time home buyers are told to compromise

Oh the lovely word COMPROMISE.

It’s not a very exciting prospect. To forgo what you want and settle.

We’ve been house hunting for 3 years now. We’ve watched the insane price hikes and participated in multiple offers, only to come out discouraged.

But this will be our year – I can feel it. The tides are turning in the buyer’s favour, I just have to continue to be patient.



Megan Llorente

Love is the answer ❤️ Certified Coach, Children’s Books Author, Avid Entrepreneur. Creator of 2 Pubs: Modern Women & MIDFORM. Find me @