The Daily Write

One Thing That I Am Grateful for Today: Taking the Risk to Acquire New Knowledge

Published in
3 min readJun 2, 2022


This image was captured by the author.

If there is one thing that I am grateful for today, it is taking the risk of building my website. I have been thinking of it since then because it costs a lot to start, a student like me needs a lot of hard work to earn that amount of money. But hopefully, this risk will be paid off and get a good return on investment even not now but also in the future.

I have been writing on several platforms for almost two years, and maybe this will be the real beginning of my writing career. I have been thinking about this decision for more than a week, after writing on other platforms and earning enough money to buy a domain and web hosting, I decided to purchase their plan which is good for 4 years. I did a lot of research to see if building your website will be helpful, I asked my friends and asked the professionals from Quora.

It is not necessary and a requirement, yes, but it can be helpful in the future. I purchased the plan with the objectives in mind:

  1. Building my portfolio for freelancing.
  2. Continue my writing career.
  3. Documentation and Journal.
  4. Long term goal: Earn through monetization and affiliate marketing.

I know that most of these are difficult to accomplish, but I think all of them are possible. Despite having doubts, I copied the same mindset that Mark Manson had, he took the risk of starting a blog; he can be broke by now while working for something that he hates, or he will start writing and (can be or cannot be) broke in the future…depends on his fate. Fortunately, his fate was in the latter: he became successful by writing.

I don’t wish to become popular like him, I just want to express my thoughts through writing. I want to have a client as a freelancer and of course, earn.

So, what now? I purchased a plan, where is my website? Well, as of now I am exploring and learning about WordPress. It is my first time doing this and there are still unfamiliar terms and things from it that I have to learn. Hence, I won’t reveal my website first.

I didn’t know that it would be difficult for me to customize and manage my website. Choosing the theme and designing its interface is time-consuming and complicated. Is it just me or does everyone find it hard?

But listen, why am I grateful? The best thing that I am grateful for is that I will learn new knowledge. As I said, building a website is kinda complex even while using WordPress. On the other hand, I find it exciting and fun to learn. I am excited to build my website and start to announce that it is live and working!

Through this, I can build my online presence well which might be helpful for my future gigs. They said having a personal website is a plus point to make you look professional.

Also, it is a fun way to show my portfolio that will stay on the internet for years. If this plan goes well, I will renew my domain and hosting. I have one year to prove and reach it.

Key Message: “Learn to take the risk, it can be a win-win situation for you indirectly. If you reach your goal, then congrats. If you fail, it doesn’t mean you are a failure, it means you learn a lesson. Be grateful for the outcome and turn the negative into a positive and make it an opportunity.”

  1. If you want to support me as a writer, buy me a coffee from the Ko-fi shop.
  2. If you like shopping online, consider to like and follow this Facebook page: Cheap N Sale. 🛒
  3. Find me every where from Coin Tree. 🌴




I love sharing my knowledge and ideas about digital marketing, productivity, and making money online. I'm open to work, email me at