Our Best Ever Date Happened During the COVID Lockdown

Well, technically it was not a real date as we are thousands of miles apart.

Govind Narasimhan
3 min readJun 13, 2022


Photo by Azrul Aziz on Unsplash

Our Jet Age Love Story

Our love story started in the sinusoidal world of the software industry. We were both young, brash and full of beans and we struck off immediately.

Then the cracks started appearing. We ignored them but they soon became fissures. And one day finally, a big, massive misunderstanding mushroomed its way into our life. I will not delve into what exactly happened at that point in time but the output was pure disaster.

I still remember that night when we screamed our guts out at each other and the neighbors had to call the police to reign us. She threw my luggage out (yes, she owned the apartment), I burned all her gifts in front of her eyes. We even maligned each other massively on Facebook, Instagram, and every possible social media just to the delight of our naysayers.

Anyway, the story ends. I got an assignment in Korea and she got in the US and our love story ended unceremoniously without a proper closure.

COVID Brought a Twist

And then the COVID pandemic came and started locking us into our houses indefinitely. Everything was shut down.

It was at this time I got a message from her on Facebook (that we had still not unfollowed each other is still a mystery to both of us)

You there? Are you safe?”

I read the message nearly 13 hours later (time zone issues) and it took me another 8 hours to realize that she has messaged me after all this time. I read the message for the hundredth time. I was in a dilemma. I was confused.

Why now? She could have just let sleeping dogs lie. All kinds of thoughts, from anger, to revenge, to the magical story of our courtship flashed before my eyes.

“Yeah, I am fine. How about you? Hope you are safe. “I finally replied.

The funny thing about relationships and about breakups, in general, is that you never know when you will get the opportunity to fix it. That is what exactly happened to us during the lockdown.

The chats gradually increased. We graduated to video chats and video calls shortly. We had a good laugh over our immature breakup but deep inside, we kicked ourselves for goofing it up badly.

A lot of water had passed under the bridge but strangely the water still carried the flames of our passion and we became uncomfortably aware of it as our eyes still lusted after each other.

Passions Were Rekindled

We ignored the passions. We tried changing topics. We did everything possible not to get attracted by each other. We knew it was wrong and we ought to be guilty about it as we might be cheating our respective partners.

That was when we decided to give a closure to our chapter. Therefore, we decided to meet one last time, have a great date and then unfriend each other completely.

I remember that night. Aromatic candles all around my place and her place, the video screens showing both of us whispering sweet nothings and self-touching our bodies exactly the way we had explored each other on our very first date.

Yes, it is not a date in the truest sense but this was the best one we had after a long time. We moved beyond our physical bodies and created a positive bond of trust lasting eternally.

Key Message(s):

· Nothing is permanent, love, hate or even breakups.

· The heart of any relationship is true, soulful friendship. Nothing can ever replace it.

About Govind

Govind is a corporate executive spending his leisure time writing and reading just about anything under the sun from leadership, management to ancient history. He can be reached at govind.narasimhan@yahoo.com



Govind Narasimhan

Retired corporate executive who likes to spend his well deserved leisure time in reading and writing about almost everything under the sun.