
Reflections: The Setting Sun

Poetry and sunsets



Photo by sanjoy saha on Unsplash

I love sunsets.

I love it when the sky is painted in a million shades of violet, pink and orange by the setting sun.

I love it when the sun looks like a deep orange disc of fire.

I love to see the sun melt into the horizon. I love to catch the last moments. The sun disappears so quickly in the last few minutes.

I love to see the setting sun and think of all the evenings when I had watched the same sun melt into the same horizon of my city.

Photo by Thomas Fryatt on Unsplash

I love how different sunsets are. The same sun, the same sky, but so many different colors everyday.

On some days, it is cloud-less blue, on others, cloudy cotton-candy pink and purple.

I read somewhere that sunsets are beautiful even though they symbolize the end. Why? Because they remind us that endings can be beautiful too. And I love this thought so much.

No matter what kind of a day I have, whether it is a lovely, nice day or it is a sad, gloomy day. At the end of the day, the sun is going to present it’s beautiful show. It is the certainty that it will happen every single day, that I love so much.

Photo by Quino Al on Unsplash

Sunsets remind me of God. They remind me that some one is there who spreads all these colors on the canvas of the sky for me. They make me feel loved. They make me want to write poetry.

Sunsets remind me of all the different suns I’ve seen setting.

Those sleepy pink sunsets I saw from the car window after long days in the city.

Those beautiful fresh sunsets I’ve seen in the hills.

Those plain yellow sunsets I’ve seen at my grandmother’s.

The ones I’ve missed on rainy days.

And the most beautiful ones that I’ve seen from my window.

Photo by Ramiro Pianarosa on Unsplash

Sometimes I take my diary with me and sit outside in the evening. And as the sun goes down, I write poetry, I make my words dance around. I sometimes write stories.

All those stories I’ve written under the warm, orange, last rays of the sun. All of them had one character, a girl, a young girl.

All of them were calm and ambiguous. They didn’t have a beginning or an ending. And how much I hold them dear! I love the ambiguity and I love the emotions they capture.

I love the emptiness they perfectly capture, and I some times think that probably that girl in my stories is no one but me. Maybe they are my stories.

Just may be

Those stories I wrote under the setting sun,

And those poems I love so much.

Photo by Yuri Efremov on Unsplash

Someday, watch the setting sun alone. Forget your worries and everything else for a while.

Someday, just wonder if the sun sets so beautifully every evening for no reason?

Think about who created the sun, who made it set? Who created you and who gave you eyes to see the sun and a mind to think and ponder? Why?

Key Message: The beauty of nature makes us reflect and ask many questions. We should take out time from our busy and monotonous lives to appreciate this beauty.




A lost soul who is navigating through life by writing