Philosophy of Life

Some Things You Just Need to Be Stoical About

Why You Sometimes Need to Be Tolerant in the Face of Ignorance

Sarah Bisht


Two Men Fishing on Lake
Photo by Tomasz Filipek

Things have been changing since the past few years at a rapid pace, and most of it is for the better.

One thing to appreciate about the whole situation is the way human beings are able to adapt to the fast paced world around them.

But even if you see positive changes happening in society around you, one should appreciate how difficult they have been for people to achieve.

In this modern world, there is so much to navigate and be aware of.

We are expected to know everything about anything all the time.

One has to learn about things that we barely even knew existed just a few years ago.

On top of that, we are expected to understand every little nuance about the topic, lest we become subject to mockery and disdain.

Now, the future seems great.

People are more open-minded than ever before.

Technology has helped us to be connected with each other in ways unfathomable just a few decades ago.

The World Wide Web accessible to most of us has given us the resources to learn whatever we want at our disposal all the time.

You want to learn about cryptocurrency?

You can go to Google your friend, and a plethora of research and information will be provided to you, more knowledge than what even an expert can give you.

Feel like becoming independent and learning how to manage your finances?

You just need to type “financial literacy” into the YouTube search bar and the best finance experts will come up on your screen to give you a whole detailed plan about how to manage your little green papers.

Heck, you want to learn to play the piccolo at age 90?

Guess what? You can do that too. There are piccolo tutors that will teach you the instrument directly from Italy or wherever, through the magic of your computer screen.

But the realisation that you can learn whatever you want, do whatever you want to do, say whatever you want to say just sitting at home is scary to some people.

This wasn’t possible at such a mass way just a few years ago.

A person sitting in India couldn't have known what was happening in Chile in a matter of seconds.

A teenager couldn't have known everything that happens once they turn 18 just by reading a few articles.

A octogenarian couldn’t have learned gymnastics from the comfort of their home.

But now they can.

And the issue with this hyper connected world is that this incredible amount of information around us all the time.

We need a significant amount of technology and brainpower to access it all.

That may not be as easy for some people to do.

And some people are scared, because change is difficult.

We are expected to meet expectations in ways that no previous generation has.

If there is someone in your life showing resistance to change, it may not be fueled by malice.

It might just be that the person is having difficulties in processing all this new information thrown at them.

Of course, in history there has always been a certain piece of the populace that simply resists progress because they can’t handle new ways of doing things — even if those things make the world a better place (MJ, anyone?).

But sometimes, it is just that the person is facing problems in embracing change, but actually wants it to happen.

It is like being down with a cold, but wanting everyone around you to have ice cream and not wait for you, until you are no longer sick and are able to have ice cream yourself.

For that kind of person, you must be patient.

You have to be tolerant of the long time they take to embrace the future.

You must not be pessimistic about the wait.

You must do what you can to help.

But there are other kinds of people in this world too.

These are individuals who struggle with adapting to change and may find it challenging to make it their own.

It’s important to acknowledge that not everyone may be receptive to change, and in some cases, it may not be possible to alter this.

You don’t need to make things more difficult for yourself by trying and failing to get them to embrace all the new things happening around them.

Key Message: It’s difficult to exist in this world, and one has to understand what is inside their circle of influence and what is not.



Sarah Bisht
Writer for

writer, bibliophile, musicophile, podcaster, perpetual talker, efficient time waster, weirdo, introverted extrovert