Stirrup Emotions

My pony ride epiphany

Katy Lin


Photo by Dave Herring on Unsplash

In this month’s roundup of questions: Adrienne Beaumont asks,
Do you like horses? Do horses like you? Write about your last horse ride.

Besides my pet dog, I’ll admit that I’m not much of an animal fanatic. As a matter of fact, beyond dogs, cats, and fish, I believe animals should be allowed to exist as they are. Simply seeing them brings comfort.

As for horses, I recognize them as majestic creatures. In stories, they often serve as loyal companions or friends in need. Sometimes horses even take center stage as the main protagonists, like Black Beauty.

The bond between humans and animals is undeniable, but the connection with horses feels uniquely inseparable. Somehow, these magnificent animals share an intuitive relationship with us.

My encounters with horses have been frequent — at zoos, fairs, ranches, and even flea markets. I vividly recall one such experience: a pony ride. The ponies, linked back-to-back in a small enclosure, tirelessly circled around the riding area.

After completing a full circle, a child would dismount, making way for a new rider. I felt both exhilaration and sadness during that rare moment. As I waited for my sibling to finish the ride, I observed the ponies with a mix of awe and concern.



Katy Lin

Inspiring all the goodness in life. 💌 Practicing the art of observation.