That Same Restaurant is Where You Keep Going Back

Even when a new friend is in town after 5 years

Shiitaal Budhrauj
3 min readMar 9, 2024


Photo by Marissa Grootes on Unsplash

#1 — When an Overseas Friend is Visiting.

When a friend from overseas (who you’ve not met with in 7 years or so) is visiting, how do you normally treat them? Take them out to a restaurant that you’ve never been to before. But one that is super hyped?

Wouldn’t you much rather, take them to the restaurant you’ve had the maximum fun memories at? It is a friend you haven’t met in a while. You do not wish to take chances and experiment with a new fancy restaurant. However hyped might it be?

You tend to go back to the place that is tried and tested a bajillion times. You get to savour the deliciousness of the new experience of new conversations with a person you haven’t met with, in half a decade.

Coupled with the dependability of a restaurant that has come through for you on innumerable occasions.

#2 — Consistency keeps you going back to that place Again and again. It is the magical ‘c’ word.

Why do we go to the same restaurant?

— Because the chef has consistently served stellar dishes on each and every occasion.

— We know that the restaurant will not disappoint.

— Has never ever disappointed in the past.

— You know in your gut that it can be banked upon for that very special occasion.

— You have an implicit guarantee of getting to experience a good time.

— The restaurant has not given you a written guarantee. It can’t.

But it has earned it, in your mind.

You have learnt to infer things about it basis, the consistency of the good turn out of dishes. Whatever we may have ordered. Whenever.

We do not like to be disappointed.

#3 — Consistency and Promises That Are Honoured Have a Lot in Common

Most promises are like that.

— Unspoken.

— Understood between the ears.

— They have been conveyed to us by continuous spells of consistency.

— It becomes the unspoken rule of a place.

#4- Become That Restaurant in People’s Mind — All you Have to do is Become Consistent

Be that unspoken approval that people give you.

That is power of delivering consistently good outcomes.

People begin trusting you.

It becomes the norm.

How about becoming that dependable restaurant in someone’s life?

Key Message: The consistency in our behaviour towards other people and situations creates expectancy patterns about us, in their minds.

Trust is a parameter that is earned over time by consistently delivering valuable outcomes.

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Shiitaal Budhrauj

Passionate about personal growth. Bounces back from life's curveballs. Draws insights, intuits feelings. A chai girl that likes cappuccino with hazelnut.