The Right to Write

Why We Shouldn’t Make Writing a Chore

Sarah Bisht


Photo by Suzy Hazelwood

Writing seems like a chore.

But only when I have to write like what others expect me to write.

Now, the day I decided to start sharing my writing online was one of the best days of my life.

That was before I knew about all the dumb things people tell you to do on the internet.

“Write every day for 30 minutes to become a great writer.”

“Time block 2 hours to write in the morning.”

“Write 500 words every day without fail.”


Writing shouldn’t feel like a chore, and whenever I see words like do this “without fail” or do this “every day”, I start getting the feeling that one is talking about a chore.

And I don’t like that you’re making such a beautiful thing into something that will make people hate doing.

I hate deadlines and chores, and I know for a fact that most people hate them too.

I hate it when someone says that you have to submit this work by 10 PM or you will have passed the deadline to submit it.

I hate it when my mom asks me to do something around the house. I would do it happily, but she will put it in such a condescending, “chorey” tone that I would never do it with a smile on my face (I still love her?)

That’s because it starts feeling like a chore, and humans are designed in a way that we automatically hate doing chores.

I mean, I spent tens of hundreds of hours on this article and you refuse to read it?! That to just because I passed a deadline?

I bared my soul in that little piece you’re reading, and you tell me to do that in precisely 5000 words on a daily basis?

Unacceptable ,’:/

True emotions are difficult to achieve whilst writing.

Making a chore out of writing will just give them another barrier to break.

Of course you can write every day, but it should still be on your terms.

There should not be a deadline because that will hinder your ability to write out your true emotions and feelings.

One should be able to write on their terms.

It can be 20 words or 20,000 a day.

No one should be allowed to dictate the terms of your writing process.

So, when you start writing today, do not think about the 2000 words you need to put out and all the people telling you that it is going to be bad for you if you do not write that much.

Start by writing off your own accord.

This applies to every other thing you like to do too.

Do what you like on your terms.

Stop listening to how the world wants you to do it.

Because once you start doing that, you start hating what you love.

Key Message: Write what you want to write, because when you do that, you will reach the people who accept you for who you are.

That is all for today, thank you for reading my TED Talk :)

Catch you on the flip side,

Sarah ✌🏼



Sarah Bisht
Writer for

writer, bibliophile, musicophile, podcaster, perpetual talker, efficient time waster, weirdo, introverted extrovert