The World Wide Web is Here

It can order you anything you want

L. Jean Davis


Two computers looking at the internet
Photo by Christopher Gower on Unsplash

In 1991, I worked at a wholesale travel agency. We sold packages of Florida. This was the year Eastern Airlines went down. What a mess. We had passengers stuck everywhere. We had to put them on flights with other airlines.

Some passengers were already on their trip, and we had to book a flight home. Some got stuck on connections, and we would have to put them up in hotels. Can you imagine if you were supposed to work the next day? We worked day and night until the last passenger was booked.

Our agency was also going under because of the World Wide Web. I did not understand anything about it, nor did I believe anything. I didn’t think you could book your flight and hotel anywhere yourself. This was not the only reason for our demise. Eastern going down had a lot to do with it. This is the airline we used for packages.

I loved working at the agency and wish I had been more mature and gone to Florida with some others instead of full-time bartending. I went where the money was. Eventually, our travel agency went down, and I had to work my part-time job full-time — bartending. If I had any sense back then, I should have studied this world wide web and got on the online businesses like everyone else. That is when people started making good money. I was skeptical.



L. Jean Davis

Life can be messy and I write about it. I started at 60 years old. Travel, history and life are my genres. Follow me on