Things You Can Do To Make A Better You

When you reach sixty, there’s still room for improvement

Carol Labuzzetta, MS
Published in
4 min readApr 28, 2023


ripe apple growing on a tree surrounded by green foliage
Apple Tree in Our Yard. © Carol Labuzzetta, 2017

This fall, I’ll turn sixty! It’s hard to believe! While my life has been full and happy, I think that there’s always room to improve and become the “best” version of one’s self.

I started thinking about this yesterday after I had a routine check-up. It was with a new provider because we moved last year. Although I’ve been meaning to start an exercise routine, eat healthier, and lose fifteen pounds, I haven’t gotten very far. There’s room for improvement.

My husband and I are health conscious. Having both been in the medical field, we know how important it is to watch your diet, how much you exercise, try to stay active and minimize bad habits.

We are eating healthier. With just the two of us (our children are grown and flown), it’s easier to prepare a meal using something that might not have met their tastes — like grilled salmon or scallops — which we had this week. The scallop meal wasn’t the best but we both ate it and I’ll look for another recipe.

Improvement #1 — Eat More Seafood

We are trying to replace 1–2 meals a week with fish or shellfish and eat more of a Mediterranean diet. And it's been working. We found that Aldi’s is a…



Carol Labuzzetta, MS

I write about the environment, education, nature, and travel. Having two master's degrees, in nursing and environmental education, I am a teacher at heart.