We Don’t Make Good Decisions When We’re Tired, OK?

Chill. Take a break. Maybe get some sleep

Cee R.


‘Three in the morning is never the time to try and sort out your life.’

- Matt Haig, Reasons To Stay Alive

‘We Don’t Make Good Decisions When We’re Tired, OK?’
Image: author’s own, made with Canva

Most of us have been there — it’s a ridiculous time in the night, you’re utterly shattered, and you’re still trying to get things done.

You inevitably make a mistake -

because you should be sleeping

- and you decide that your entire life is a sh**-show, and you need to leave everything you know behind and move to the mountains and breed chinchillas or something equally random.

(…Unless that’s a long-held ambition of yours, in which case don’t let me stop ya!)

But before, in your fit of tired delirium, you put a down-payment on that chinchilla farm, you might wanna pause.

Chill. Take a break. Maybe get some sleep.

…And don’t put any bids in until you’ve had time to think this through. No matter how much your brain is yelling at…



Cee R.

Writer, poet, (book) blogger @ dorareads.co.uk , Queer, weird, & a tad peculiar. Bookish rebel. Welsh as a tractor on the M4. Buy me a coffee @ ko-fi.com/ceearr