When Everything’s Going Wrong In Your Life

Start focusing on what’s going right

Linda Locke
Published in
3 min readOct 21, 2023


Photo by Kajetan Sumila on Unsplash

2023 has been a roller coaster year. The ups and downs have been massive and sometimes it’s hard to breathe and just be for a quiet moment.

But through it all, I’ve managed to be thankful for the things that are going right too. There’s always a swing between yin and yang in our lives and contemplating the differences helps to restore the balance.

This year’s been a trial of health scares for both my husband and me with an extra topping of unexpected, expensive home repairs. It would be so easy to just get into a major funk about how unfair it all is and spend all my time in woe is me land.

But there is so much good in our lives too despite the challenges. And it’s a comfort to me to reflect on what’s going right.

My dad was my north star and never failed to put things in perspective for me. He had many challenges in life, but he always remained positive.

When I’d ask him how he was doing, he’d always answer with a smile and say, “I’m still here!”

So in the spirit of my dad, I’m choosing to look at things that did go right this year too.



Linda Locke

Writer, Author, Publisher of Midform Pub. I teach writing classes online and blog about writing, self-improvement and lots of other stuff.