Why I Still Think Cursive Writing Has a Place in the Electronic Age

There’s room for both handwriting and keyboarding

Linda Locke
Published in
3 min readSep 24, 2022


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I remember when I first learned to write. I took to cursive writing like a duck to water.

I practiced my letters over and over. I played around with the loops and the swirls, experimenting with different writing slants — right, left and straight up. I was just so fascinated by the process and it was fun!

In 8th grade my English teacher, Mr. Todd, introduced his students to the art of writing essays. This helped us practice our handwriting skills and learn how to get our ideas down on paper.

We wrote our essays in pencil first and then redid them in pen for the finished product. I loved writing these essays and looked forward to these assignments. This was the first time I was encouraged to formulate my own ideas and then express them in writing. I think it’s what made me want to become a real writer some day.

Image from Canva

Fast forward to the 21st century. Cursive writing is now on the chopping



Linda Locke

Writer, Author, Publisher of Midform Pub. I teach writing classes online and blog about writing, self-improvement and lots of other stuff.