Why You Shouldn’t Believe Everything You Read Online!

Anup Nagdeve ⭐
Published in
4 min readMay 28, 2023
Animated Image of a girl reading (Source: Canva)

In today’s world, every tiny bit of information is available just a touch away.

You want to know who invented the light bulb, just Google it. 💡

You want to know which team has more chances of winning the upcoming game, just see the votes online. 👀

You want to know how to make money online, it’s available everywhere…. as we all know some or the other writer on medium writing about this topic. 💸

But what we don’t know is how much of this online information that we see on a regular basis is actually true!

The internet has given liberty to everyone to express their ideas and opinions, and this leads to the huge dump of false information spreading across internet.

Let’s examine this with an example:

It’s the Summer Season and many people like me must be craving for Mangoes🥭

Mango Image (Source: Canva)

But since it’s the influential world that we now live in, most of the individuals are also super conscious about their health. Else, how would they maintain their online celebrity status. 😎

Scenario 1:

Consider me as a overweight guy (In real life, I boast my skinny stature tbh) who is trying hard to loose weight, I gave up on eating every single thing that can possibly increase my weight.

And I regularly search online about the foods that I can eat without gaining more weight.

So as my obvious habit, I will definitely search about the effects of mangoes on human body, and look if it is responsible in any way to affect my weight.

As a result, I search this : “Does eating mangoes help in loosing weight?”

And here’s the result 🔍:

Google Search done by Author

As we can see in the above image, Mango not only helps in loosing weight but also helps in improving the Heart Rate and Cholesterol Levels.

That’s Amazing!🤩

Now I can savor the succulent sweetness of mangoes without any reservations, indulging in their deliciousness to my heart’s content. 😍

But let’s not jump to the conclusion yet!

Let’s look at the contrary Scenario.

Scenario 2:

Consider me as a skinny guy who is trying hard to gain weight, I try and eat every single thing that can possibly increase my weight and refrain from eating anything that could possibly make me skinny.

I regularly search online about the foods that I can eat for gaining more weight.

So obviously, I will search about the effects of mangoes on human body, and look if it helps me in any way to gain more weight.

As a result, I search this : “Does mango help in weight gain?”

And here’s the answer 🔍:

Another Google Search Done by Author

How come we get to see the contrary of what we saw in the First Scenario. 😵

Here, the results are suggesting that eating mangoes can result in weight gain (although it is mentioned that it only happens when consuming mangoes along with meals)

So which one to believe? 🤔

This is just a simple example. (When you people search, you might find different results based on your location)

But why does this happen?

This is because there are multiple pages on google created by different people with different opinions and beliefs. (Thanks to the liberty of internet!)

As of 2023, there are 201,045,211 active websites and 914,376,818 inactive websites in the World. 🤯

Active Websites: Websites that are updated on a regular basis or websites on which there are regular posts and changes published.

Inactive Websites: Websites with no changes or updates happened in a long time.

In other words, There are 1.3 billion websites in the world, out of which a staggering 82% are inactive!

But the content of these inactive websites is still visible on the internet and search results.

So there’s a high possibility that the content we read online is outdated to some extent.

So should I stop using the internet? 🤔

No, not at all!

You just need to develop a critical mindset while searching or reading anything online.

✅ Examine the Evidence, Check the source if it’s reliable or not.

This is to be done for everything, especially the news — political, religious, informational, international, economical, etc.

Final Words

Half of the time, a small portion of powerful people tend to play with the words to turn people against each other just for their own benefit.

Key Message: The internet has everything to serve, every single bit of information and misinformation.

It depends on us, what information do we allow to get in our minds and influence our actions.



Anup Nagdeve ⭐

Data-driven marketer with a passion for exploring diverse topics. You can see me writing about data, personal growth or discovering a lesser known fact!